Saturday, August 15, 2020

My love for you....

It’s almost been 12 years since I fell in love with you...

When I first met you all I could think was ‘what a cute guy’...

The second time I saw you I was head over heels for you...

Soon after you broke my heart...

But we both held on to each other by a thread called ‘friendship’...

Once strangers we became best friends...

We parted ways after three years, embarking on another journey of life...

But I could not truly move on...

I saw you in every face...

I imagined being with you wherever I went...

I always thought what would you think?

What if you don’t like the new me?

What if you thought I was not good enough anymore?

My mind would subconsciously compare others with you...

Try to find reason to not like someone... 

To push someone away...

I succeeded because you are that important to me...

I still dream of you sometimes...

I want to talk to you sometimes...

There’s so many things I want to tell you, share with you...

I pull up your number in my phone...

But my fingers turns numb...

The emotional trauma is too much to bear...

I promise myself no more pain..

But come next day and I am back to where it all began...

I wish love wasn’t this hard...

I wish you could love me the way I do...

I wish I could love someone else the way I love you...

Not because I want to move on, but because I want to end the suffering...

I hope you stay happy always...

I hope I find my happy place...

-Rashee Khemka

Sunday, July 26, 2020

What life truly means to me

What is life?
At Wall Street, NY

It’s easy to say that life is a mystery...
It’s a road that reveals its true beauty if one decides to embrace it the way it is...

But has anyone of us actually embraced life in all its raw, true form?
Have we given life a chance to unveil its natural beauty?

Have we given life a chance to take on its natural course?
The answer is no...

We have always been so insecured about everything and everyone around us...
We have inbuilt a fear amongst us.. a fear of letting go, a fear of holding on...

We are all a selfish creature who demands attention all the time...
We do not truly want to work to achieve our goal...

But, we are constantly trying to demean others to rise above all...
How do we do that?

We lie...
We lie to people around us, but most importantly we lie to ourselves...
We paint a complete different picture of ourselves in other’s mind...
We play dual personalities until the day it becomes our nature..

Why is it so hard to stay true to ourselves?
Why is it so hard to work to achieve our dreams?
Why do we have to demean someone else?
Why do we have to lie?
Why betray someone’s trust assuming that they will never find out?
Why do we need to control someone?
Why do we say ‘Speak Up’ when all we want is for the other person to ‘Stay Mute’?

Life is a precious gift of God...
Every single one of us has the right to live...
To love it, enjoy it the way we want...
But don’t live it at the expense of others...
And don’t be blinded by faith, by trust...
Try to see the truth behind someone’s lies, behind the sweet talks...

Try to see the pain behind someone’s smile...
We might get rich and powerful today by demeaning others...
But remember true happiness can only be achieved if you stay true to yourself...

-Rashee Khemka
26th July, 2020

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